[CAPLINQ] Carnauba Wax Mold Release Spray

등록일2024. 10. 02
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[CAPLINQ] Carnauba Wax Mold Release Spray

[CAPLINQ] Product

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[CAPLINQ] Carnauba Wax Mold Release Spray

CHEMLINQ MRE-C909 | Carnauba Wax Mold Release Spray

Product Description:

CAPLINQ's Chemlinq MRE-C909 Mold Release is a carnauba wax based, sprayable aerosol mold release agent. It contains no silicones or oils and is therefore not only compatible but complementary to epoxy molding compound and other thermoset plastic molding.

Main features:

  • Alternative to MJ Gordon #909C
  • Carnauba wax mold release Spray
  • Compatible with Epoxy Mold Compound

Instructions for use:

  • Turn the actuator so that the orifice is pointing towards the red marking on the valve cup.
  • Shake the can frequently during use.
  • Hold can far enough from the mold surface to obtain required spray distance, pattern, & coverage.
  • Do not overspray, but apply uniformly and quickly during production.
  • Do not spray into open flames or any incandescent materials.

Technical Specifications:

General Properties:
Appearance Milky Wax Solution
Auto ignition temperature 237 °C
Chemistry Type Carnauba Wax
Evaporation Rate 1.5
Specific Gravity 250°C 0.69 g/cc
Vapor Density 2.3
Vapor Pressure 3.8 kg/cm2

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